Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Need to dry your laundry? You just finished mixing a load of concrete in your clothes dryer and forgot to clean it? 

If you have a large microwave oven with a turntable, you can place your laundry inside and microwave on high for 10 minutes. It may be even quicker if you have clothes with lots of metal decorations.

Homemaker Maven

Watch for more household hints from MorriCat.

Monday, June 15, 2015


City Of Marble June 16th

9:00 AM Driver of semi-truck with 60 foot trailer, inquired of best route to Crested Butte, I checked GPS and directed him up Daniels Hill and through Crystal. Felt nice to begin day with a good deed.

9:45 AM Report of bear riffling through trash cans on Main Street. I found Fluffy Bear, age unknown, address unknown, arrested him for vagrancy. He was later released on personal recognizance.

10:55 AM stopped for complimentary donuts and coffee at Second Street Coffee Shop.

11:15 visit to emergency room, had stomach pumped. Called health department and posted complaint about Second Street Coffee Shop.

1:30 PM Fat lady reported speeding on bicycle near Silver Street. A high speed chase ensued, and Miss Bernice Johnson age 87, of River City, Iowa apprehended and charged with resisting arrest and having excessively large thighs.

3:00 PM Arrested Starbuck the dog for urinating in public. Issued a citation and released her to the custody of  her parents. She has requested a jury trial. We are currently trying to assemble a jury of her peers.

4:15 PM received report of chicken crossing road, found Chicken Little in a confused state on the north side of road. Could not determine why she crossed the road, ticketed her for Jay walking. Later found good recipe for chicken soup.

6:00 PM Attacked by familiar looking, rabid, semi-truck driver, ripped clothing, covered with scratches and blood. He was wielding a large jack handle and screaming incoherently, something about worst #@!!###%**!! highway in the world, devil's punch bowl and $200,000 truck completely destroyed. I was able to calm him by applying several shocks from my Taser then sent him to the psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

6:30 PM Captured runaway pig in vicinity of 2nd and Main St, highly agitated, squealing,  constantly giggling and delusional, claiming to be the Mayor of Flint Michigan , after I consigned her to the custody of the chef at Slow Groovin' BBQ. He was apparently able to calm her as the squealing soon ceased. I plan to check on her tonight at dinner.

7:00 PM Domestic disturbance reported at Meg and John Blackburn residence,   I  investigated and arrested little Billy Blackburn age 10, for failure to eat all his vegetables. He is being held without bail and placed in the pillory until the circuit judge arrives next week.

7:30 PM rolled up sidewalks and extinguished the street lamps. Another productive day.  I congratulated myself on keeping the good citizens of the City of Marble safe from felons, highwaymen, social workers and other despicable persons for another day.

Chief Constable and Dustbin Cleaner for the City of Marble

Saturday, June 6, 2015



     Gender Identity Switching is here to stay. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months you should be well aware of that. Even Fox News has ran stories about Gender switching. Transgender transformations have a long history in the United States. In the late 1960's many young men, rather than migrate to Canada, used gender transformations to avoid the draft. There have been several rumors that some public figures have used gender transformation to enhance their political aspirations. One recent President used gender identity switching as a defense, when he said "I did not have sex with that 'woman'."

     For those of you who may be delaying your gender change, due to the prospect of facing a long and painful surgery. Your wait may now be shorter than you had anticipated.

     Recent advances in medical science, is making Gender Changing Surgery obsolete. Dr Morri Katt (not a real doctor), of the Institute of Transgender Identity and Shoe Repair, has developed a system to facilitate the transforming of sexual identity, from male to female or from female to male. If you have other preferences you can speak with our counselors. Do you feel you are trapped in the wrong gender? Or do you just want to try a different gender for a change. Dr Katt's newly developed procedures will help change your life. Bring the inner you to the top. Experience a different view of life. Put the zest back in your marriage. Gender changing can open up new opportunities in the workplace. Are you hitting your head on the glass ceiling? Tired of women getting all the juicy promotions? Go for it, apply for gender change today. What have you to lose?

     Our procedure requires no surgery. Dr Katt's experiments determined that gender identity is primarily a state of mind. Our procedure is based on a regime of strict diet, exercise, meditation, political activism, Voodoo and unconventional uses of common household products. This procedure is less invasive than surgery, less painful and if you are concerned about cost it is slightly less expensive. This is you opportunity to become one of thousands, if not hundreds of our satisfied clients in the transgender community. We will cheerfully return you money if it is not satisfactory.

     Concerned about safety? We're not, all we want to do is make money. We have not been approved by the FDA and do not expect to be. We did perform some testing, but we were forced to stop as several rabbits were harmed, if not physically then psychologically (several resisted wearing lipstick).  Unlike surgery, our procedures are easily reversed.

     For the really adventurous we are recruiting beta testers for our new species transformation program. Before you change you should study the benefits, and drawbacks of your new species. There is to be expected some danger in changing species. One of our testers who changed into deer, is now in a meat locker someplace in Colorado. Another tester we changed into a Republican,and he is now a talk radio host. Other that those two all have been successful. We feel with this programs that the opportunities are unlimited. Don't miss the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this rare opportunity.

     Some of you who are reading this may not be in the market currently for a gender change, please be aware that we also offer shoe repair at reasonable rates.


Life Style Counselor 



     Recently several people have commented on the quality of my coffee. For those of you that asked, no, I do not put turpentine in the coffee (you are probably tasting the weed killer). And yes, I know some people who have used it as a laxative. But the primary use has been as a dental adhesive. If there is a dire necessity, it will make a passable nail polish remover.

     In response to several comments and threats of physical violence, I have compiled the results of last week's survey. It was unnecessary to wrap the completed survey around a rock and deliver it through the window. The ones stuck to the wall with a dagger were sufficient. And thanks for the burning cross, I was able to roast an entire package of hotdogs. To the person or persons responsible for the graffiti on the walls, I believe death has only one "e" in it. And, did you really intend to capitalize "scumbag"?

     One survey stood out from the rest, I believe it was more accurate than the others. The average  rating was 3/4 stars, one customer gave us three stars, two more than the average. His comment was "Better than Mom's". I am certain it is a coincidence, but we are missing one cup of vinegar. Another commented on the texture of the drink saying "First time I ever broke a tooth while drinking a cup of coffee." I believe the person who claimed that drinking gravel would have been smother, slightly exaggerated

     Now, I know what my customers want, but I am staying in town anyway. Extensive technical research enabled us to develop a better product. I no longer need to burn my socks when disposing them, I find the different colors have distinctive flavors. Our coffee is now available in seven different flavors, there is some debate as to the validity of  rancid as a flavor, but my personal favorite is the extra crunchy. Putrid is more a description than a flavor, consequentially we are removing it from the selections.

     Update on the socks, I have never owned green socks, that may have been either mold or pond scum. Nevertheless it produced a very popular flavor, two people actually took a second sip.

     We have many loyal customers, who have continued with us through our initial growing pains. Often at the expense of their health and sanity. Rewarding our loyal customers is our priority. We have introduced at all our stores, for a limited time, free coffee, only charging for use of toilets and medical services. This has proved to be a successful business model and we are considering the extension of the promotion. Conceding to the requests and threats from our customers, we will, (for a fee) clean the stomach pumps after each use. A last word of caution, our wait-staff have all been issued concealed carry permits.  I recommend that you consider the implications of this when tipping.

Barista Nonpareil
Proprietor, 2nd Street Coffee Shops
Coming soon to your town.