Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Essential facts about news.

Ever wonder where news comes from? Anthropologists have discovered evidence of news circa 6600 BC during the reign of the long and gratefully forgotten Egyptian pharaoh, King Tsh-Tsh-Bushamba, a progressive almost liberal ruler, he believed that if his subjects were better educated, they would be more productive and he could collect more gold. After assembling his trusted advisers and many wise men he assigned them the task of  educating his subjects.  As Egyptians do not at this time play football or basketball, there was no practical purpose to have schools or institutes of higher learning.  After years of study and polls of citizens, the concept of relating to the common citizens about the happenings of the day was developed. There appears to be no requirement for accuracy or truth in this recounting of events, only the requirement to present what the general populace wishes to hear or what the rulers wish them to believe.

News is a renewable resource. Everyday and sometimes more often, there appears to be a bottomless cornucopia overflowing with a variety of news, good news, bad news, true news, news you are glad is not true, fashion news, sports and most importantly news about celebrities. News accumulates during the day and is presented to the eager public in just before dinner, and again just before bedtime. Is the news good for you?  I repeat, the news is presented to you just before dinner and again just before bedtime (you be the judge). Personally I attribute poor digestion and many sleepless nights to this timing.

Should children and small animals be exposed to news? The general consensus is no, news has too much violence and prurient content, considering there is the possibility that some of the news could be accurate, it is determined that their time would be better spent playing video games, or watching educational television such as, 'WWF Superstars of Wrestling', 'Dancing With The Stars', or even 'America's got Talent'. Where they could learn new and useful skills.

How do you get your news? A recent scientific survey has determined that 49% of people get their news from Kim Kardashian's 'tweets' 27% from conservative or liberal talk radio (both completely objective). 32% have lost the television remote and now watch nothing but the Home Shopping Network. My preference for news is Marge's Hair and Nail Solon, there you can get all the breaking and prurient news much of which is very interesting, I am always curious as to the activities of my neighbors. Patrons of Marge's Hair and Nail Solon, have a motto, “Don't let yourself become news”.

News should be true, accurate and presented in a manner easily understood.  To the best of my knowledge this is and has always been the case, witness the White House press releases.

What happens to 'old' news? News is basically juvenile, although on occasion some news will mature, when this happens it becomes history. No one knows much about history, although rumored to be useful, and once required study for Junior High School students, it has fallen out of favor and is now only known to a few dedicated scholars. These scholars (also called historians) are easily recognized by their uniform.   Baggy trousers, brown tweed jackets, narrow ties (plaid usually), thick (3/8 inch) glasses and an unlit pipe sticking from their mouth, a senior historian is differentiated by a long gray speckled beard, dotted with dried soup and bread crumbs.

In conclusion; news can be very useful as it enables you to fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time.  All-in-all that should be enough for most purposes.

Purveyor of Truths
December 1st 2014

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