Friday, November 4, 2016


                                  A STITCH IN TIME

Most of us are aware that daylight saving time is fast approaching. The end of Daylight Saving Time will require all law-a-biding peoples to reset their clocks back one hour at 2 AM on  November 6th, this year. Those being extremely law-a-biding or overly cautious, or on parole,  may even consider setting their clocks back 2 hours.

Much confusion abounds, concerning procedures to adjust our clocks.  Last year there were several  instances of people who could not stop resetting their clocks each time the 2 o'clock hour struck. Everett Lawson has been confined in the Chillicothe Institute for the Criminally Insane since last November. He keeps insisting it is 1 o'clock, and turning his watch back every time it reached 2 o'clock.  I think he may have been right .

There is some debate as to the purpose and usefulness of Daylight Saving Time. Originally, proposed as a method of saving and accumulating daylight during the long summer days to be distributed during the winter. Proud as Congress was at finally passing any legislation, it was soon apparent that there was little or no savings of daylight or if any was saved it had been snapped up by Wall Street speculators.

As a public service,  MorriCat and Sons being purely altruistic, are offering to call you at 2 AM to remind you to adjust the time on your clocks. The call is free, with just a $9.99 convince fee. As a public service we will call other people for you.  Examples could be telephone solicitors, political pollsters or perhaps your ex spouse. The convenience fee for this is $19.99.

Hurry, don't let Daylight  Saving Time creep up on you.  Call now while we still have calling slots available.  For an additional honorarium, we can have an IRS agent with a heavy foreign accent make the call.

Your humble servant.

P. S.  My oldest son just reminded me that we can remove you from our call list for fee.

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