Sunday, September 21, 2014



I have recently been appraised of a disturbing statistic.

Apparently, on average 51 people are killed by lightning each year in the United States.

This year is almost 3/4th over and there have been only 20 deaths year to date.
This leaves a deficit of 31 deaths to be filled in the next 97 days.

The apathy of the population of the United States is appalling. I feel compelled to raise a call for action. Get off that couch or out of that comfortable chair work off some of that flab you have been accumulating over these last years. Climb  a mountain, play more golf swim during thunderstorms (you are wet anyway) or at least stand under the tallest tree you can find (trees are you friends).

Many people confuse lightning (an electrostatic discharge) with lightening (decent of the uterus in the pelvic cavity). Something must be done about this prevalence of wide spread ignorance. You can help stamp out the apathy and ignorance in our great country. Write or call your congressman (certainly cannot do as much harm as their other actions), send letters to the local newspaper, start a blog, tweet, post on facebook, anything to get this message to people.  Remember when riding in elevators you have a captive audience, make them aware of this problem. Volunteer to speak at local schools. Does your Alma Mater offer a course on differences of lightning and lightening? If they do not do so already consider offering a donation for them to do so.  

Something must be done to keep America number 1, If we are lagging behind in deaths by lightning, where else are we failing. 

Please do something, please.  Donations are being gratefully accepted by The Lightning Deficit Fund (a non-charitable organization).  Cash, credit card or checks accepted, please make check out to MorriCat LDF send to: The Lightning Deficit Fund, c/o MorriCat at 300 Rainbow Dr, Marble CO 81623. 

 Send lots of money as administrative cost are rather high, and it would be appropriate for some money to actually be used to promote our cause.

Thanking you in advance,

The Lightning Deficit Fund

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