Monday, December 12, 2016



Many men are becoming more interested in a healthy lifestyle. Instead of red meat, eating a diet lower in calories a day fats,  with more fruits and vegetables and fish. I am fortunate that,  Anchovies, one of my favorite foods is high in Omega fats,  mercury and other essential vitamins and minerals.

I recommend an Anchovie smoothie for breakfast (possibly the most important meal of the day).  Quick and easily prepared, your first Anchovie smoothie will be unforgettable. I have been told that some people try to forget by sleeping through breakfast.

Ingredients are minimal, two tins of Anchovies either flat or rolled, one cup of salt (I prefer sea salt), 1/2 cup of lemon juice and three tablespoons of mold scrapped from the chunk of cheese found on the back of the second shelf of your refrigerator, mix on high speed in your blender for five minutes.  If your blender is unfunctional because you have been using it as a cement mixer you can try inserting a large spoon in your cordless drill. Garnish with a dash of whipped cream and a Marchino cherry.  Now you are ready to enjoy.

One last piece of advice. If no lemon juice is available, kerosene can be used.  You will not notice any decrease in taste, just refrain from smoking while consuming it.

Chef for the discerning man